Martyn's Online Portfolio

Curriculum Vitae
School Projects Home | EES | A Level Proejcts | Design Work
University Projects Home | First Year Design | Second Year Design | STEP | Third Year Design | Final Project
Contact Details | Newcastle | North Weald
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First Year Design small logo

ME 1303

During my Level 1 year at Brunel I completed 3 Design assignments which are all here on this section of the site. The first of these design exercises required me to evaluate any product's packaging, I chose to examine Evian's action bottle which was designed by PA consulting (Attained an A Grade for this assignment). The second of my assignments required me to design a means of extracting water from a well in a developing country and the third assignment involved designing and making a balsa wood bridge that would support 30N across a 2 foot gap. The reports for all 3 assignments can be found by following the links on the left side of this page.


I designed this pumping mechanism which is not actually feasible, this is because it is not possible for a pump to suck up a volume of water up this distance. Due to this catastophic flaw I have chosen not to elaborate on the principles behind my design.


Following the complete failure of the previous project I was keen to redeem myself, even though I had been abandoned by most of my design team. The aim of this double credit assignment was to design a scale model of a bridge that could be made from minimal materials in the developing world. Me and my last remaining team member had to design a balsa wood bridge that would span a two foot gap and support 30N or 6lbs and then collapse immediately afterwards, this idea would ensure that bridges were not needlessly over-designed. Using a Warren truss system I designed a bridge that would hold at least 32N but a maximum of 35N. The aim was then to make the bridge so that any failures would occur along the struts, not at the pin joints, this idea was crucial to the success of my design. In the end the design was perfect and given enough time the bridge would have collapsed after 32N but instead the strut that I had design to fail first gave way at 35N which placed our bridge third in the year. The project was graded as an A+ overall.